The Myth of Hera !

One day when Hera was looking down from olymus she saw a dark thunder cloud where it shouldn't have been, she ran to Zeus and to her surprize she found him holding a girl who was to become Zeus new wife,her name was Io, because of Hera's rage she transformed the girl into a cow. The cow as so scared that it ran away,but Hera caught the cow by the tail and dragged it over to a tree where she tied it, and asked Argus a man with a thousand eyes to watch the cow and make sure that it doesn't escape,but when the great hero Hercules came to the rescue of the cow. When he arrived Argus woke up and tried to warn Hera about the intruder, but before he could Heracules started playing a soft sleepy tune on his pipes and slowly Argus began to fall into a deep sleep. When all of his eyes were closed Hercules touched each one of them and made them all eternaly sleep. Then Hercules untied the cow and it ran all of the way home to her father. Once she got there her father didn't recongnize her until she had scrated her name into the floor,Her father Inchanos was in such a ragae that he flew at Zeus so fast that Zeus had to throw a thunder bolt at him and ever since then the river that Io's father has come from has always been dry. Hera was in such a ragae that the cow had been set free, and that Inachos was dead that she took Argus's 100 eyes and placed them on the tail of the peacock so that Argus would never be forgoten, Hera also made Zeus promise not to turn IO back into her human form,not before Zeus promised to himselve not to ever look at IO again.